Komatsu Yedek Parçaları

Örnek İş Makinaları / Yedek Parça Sistemi


Liste Görünümü | Resimli Görünüm
No Parça No Parça Adı Miktar Seçenekler
1 Marks and Name Plates, English, USA and Puerto Rico 1
2 Marks and Name Plates, English, USA and Puerto Rico, For Counterweight Remover 1
3 Marks and Plates, English, USA and Puerto Rico, EPA Regulations TPEM 1
4 Marks and Plates, English, USA and Puerto Rico, EPA Regulations TPEM, For Counterweight Remover 1
5 Coolant Decal, For English, English, USA and Puerto Rico 1
6 KOMTRAX Plate 1
7 Mercurial Component Indication Plate 1
8 Lifting Capacity Chart, For English, USA and Puerto Rico 1
9 Lifting Capacity Chart, English, USA and Puerto Rico, For 6600mm Boom 1
10 Caution Plates, Battery, For English, USA and Puerto Rico 1
11 Balancing Position and Lift Point Mark 1
12 Komatsu Logo 1
13 Komatsu Logo, For 6600mm Boom 1
14 FOPS Plate, For English 1
15 FOPS Plate, For English, Cab Front Full Guard 1
16 FOPS Plate, For English, Cab Front Full Guard, Top Guard Level2 1
17 Rivet 1
18 Plates, Air Cleaner, For English 1
19 Caution Plates, Backward, For Rearview Camera 1